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      jake and nadine organic farmers

      (And yep, we really do say “y’all”).

      Our world is a small farm in the mountains of Virginia—it’s where we work, play, garden, and journey to live our purpose every day.  Sound like a dream?  It definitely is, but it didn’t start out that way.  We’ve been on this path for quite a while, and have learned a bunch of lessons along the way. 

      Our Motto: Return to Real

      Mind you—this didn’t start out as our motto. Honestly, 15 years ago we were a hot mess— we had an apartment in the suburbs of Cincinnati OH, 60-hour a week jobs, too much processed foods, stress and anxiety.  Sound familiar?  Although we kept a smile on our faces, we knew there had to be something more.  

      Buying our first 1-acre farm in Kentucky started us on path to self-discovery.  We learned that the more that we filled our world with real food, organic products, fewer chemicals, healthy soil, nature, hard work, and sweat, the happier we were.  

      So, if that all sounds good to you… you’re in the right place!

      First produced in our farm kitchen, our Meet Clean Products, @ the farm store are the kind of products that we wished we could buy… ones that were petroleum-free, made with organic ingredients, and of course, worked! We used them for years, gave them as gifts, and we couldn’t be more excited to put them on them market for everyone to enjoy. 

      It isn’t always easy— as two kids from the suburbs, we didn’t exactly grow up farming—but we learn lessons every day that we hope will bring inspiration and knowledge to others.  Whether you’re a busy mom or dad, gardener, cook, DIY’er, or wanna-be homesteader, we want every guy and gal we interact with to feel empowered to “Return to Real” in their own lives.


      He writes.

      Anything mechanical. Building. Tools.

      She writes.

      Cleaning. Cooking. Gardening. Nonsense (just kidding).